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Breaking the Code of Multifamily Investing
Are you ready to break the code of multifamily investing in Canada? Sign up for our FREE three part video training Breaking the Code of Multifamily Investing. Learn the hidden secrets and game-changing magic of the multiplier effect. This FREE video training reveals how you can create more multi-generational wealth by investing in apartment buildings.

Canadian Multi-Family Blueprint Course
Discover the step-by-step process for investing in apartment buildings used by Canada’s leading Multifamily Investing expert, Pierre-Paul Turgeon. Canada's only Experiential Multifamily Investing Program that teaches you everything you need to become a successful investor in apartment buildings. Get the online course now and start learning today.
Purchasing a Multi-million-dollar Asset Is Always A Big Adventure.
Every property requires a massive effort upfront to bring it to fruition.
Although investing in apartment buildings is a fantastic strategy for creating long-term wealth, it’s not for the faint of heart and those unwilling to roll up their sleeves and be patient.
In order to be successful at investing in large multi-family properties of 5 or more units, you must answer five critical questions.

Hello, Iā€™m Pierre-Paul
Canada's leading multifamily mortgage broker and expert insider, and knowledgeable mentor in multifamily real estate investing and aĀ licensedĀ mortgage broker. My extensive experience, unique perspective, and wealth of knowledge have allowed me to strategically and successfully invest in apartment buildings while ensuring sound returns and low risks for my investors. I believe it is absolutely possible for anyone to learn how to succeed and to benefit from the incredibly lucrative results multi-family investing can bring!
Unfortunately, many people are intimidated by multifamily investing.
They donā€™t know what to do, when to do it, and most importantly, HOW to do it.
I understand how you feelā€¦ ā€¦ because a proven system has never existed...
Youā€™ve probably been faced with conflicting information and confusing processes. Many times from unreliable sources.
Itā€™s why youā€™ve AVOIDED multifamily investing in the past. Youā€™re terrified of getting clobbered financially if you make the wrong moves and youā€™re unsure what the right moves are.
Don't let your fear stop you from missing out on a golden opportunity for prosperity.

Will this work for me?
Multifamily real estate can be an incredibly lucrative business to be in, but you have to be able to know how to buy the right deals at the right prices.Ā
Owning rental real estate can be a smart way to diversify your investment portfolio and generate a steady income.
If you have the knowledge to back up your investment plans you will join a group of successful Multifamily Property Investors.

Do you want the confidence?
Rental property investing is the preferred investment strategy for investors who want an additional source of monthly income along with a slow but steady appreciation in the value of their portfolio.
With Multifamily Investing Canada, you build a solid foundation. Imagine shaving years off a drawn-out learning curve and acquiring everything you need to know about multifamily investing now.
START today. Gain the confidence you need.
Don't do it alone.
At Multifamily Investing Canada, Pierre-Paul Turgeon helps people like you become confident and knowledgeable to make the first steps to becoming a multifamily property owner.
Choose your path of development through free resources, workshops, masterclasses, online courses, and more.
Training Tailored To Your Needs
People Can't Believe What They Have Learned

"I have thoroughly enjoyed this, wonderfully organized, full of information meeting. This [workshop] will prepare us for buying our first, second, third or fourth Multifamily Property. All you need to do is conquer your fear. I would recommend this to anyone ready to take the big step into investing."
John H.

"If you're serious about buying an apartment building you're crazy if you don't invest in this course because you get your your money back 10 times on your first investment"
Mike S.

"This event is changing everything I thought about Multifamily Investing. I feel like this training is giving you all the necessary tools to acquire any type of multifamily property from A to Z. I feel confident now to jump into Multifamily apartment building [investing]. I definitely recommend this course to anyone. This is the only course in Canada."